Sale: 520 / Evening Sale, June 18. 2021 in Munich Lot 382


Gerhard Richter
Ohne Titel (11.05.2008), 2008.
Mixed media. Lacquer on printed paper, mounted ...
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 131,250 / $ 144,375

(incl. surcharge)
Ohne Titel (11.05.2008). 2008.
Mixed media. Lacquer on printed paper, mounted on board.
Backing board signed and dated "11.5.08". Verso of the backing board once more dated. 29.7 x 21 cm (11.6 x 8.2 in). Backing board: 42,5 x 38,5 cm (16,7 x 15,2 in).
From a series of unique pieces made on occasion of the traveling exhibition "Abstrakte Bilder" at Museum Ludwig in Cologne and the Haus der Kunst in Munich in 2008/2009. For each of the unique objects Richter transferred a painting on a glass plate onto a page in an architecture book in monotype technique.
• Offered on the international auction market for the first time.
• Unique object.
• Spectacular high gloss effect with a structure and density that can only be realized with lacquer paint.
• Technically highly demanding and with sophisticated details

We are grateful to Dr. Dietmar Elger for his kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Schönewald Fine Arts, Düsseldorf.
Private collection Berlin.

"Perhaps I will one day find a better option than painting!"
Gerhard Richter, quote from: Dietmar Elger et al, Gerhard Richter, Text 1961-2007, p. 22.

Gerhard Richter is regarded as the "Picasso of the 21st century" (The Guardian) and "The master of all classes" (FAZ). The superlatives come thick and fast when the exceptional German artist is mentioned. His oeuvre includes photo-realistic, monochrome and abstract pictures, prints, glass works and sculptures. The intrinsic effect of color and shape, as well as the inclusion of chance in the painting process is the focus of Richter's artistic endeavors. He experiments with a wide variety of materials and techniques, in order to give the color the greatest possible scope. In search of ever new ways of expressing himself, Richter was increasingly occupied with stained glass. After first single gray works on glass in 2001 and 2002, Gerhard Richter's oeuvre includes numerous reverse glass paintings in strong colors made as of 2008. Works in the extensive series have titles such as "Sindbad", "Aladin", "Ifrit" or "Perizade", which were inspired by the Arabic fairy tales of "1001 Nights". The lacquer painting on glass once again enables him to create pictures with a new means, while it is yet another piece of evidence of Richter's fascination for the materiality of colors. The high-gloss lacquer paint hardly is hardly accepted by the high-gloss paper from an architecture book onto which the color was transferred from a pane of glass. Fascinating streaks of color arise, the color literally floats over the ground. It is partly mixed with a pointed wooden stick, which makes for the special optical appeal of this work. Precisely this effect visualizes Richter's direct examination of the mechanics of painting, the abstract, material-related treatment of color, which in its appearance always refers to the process of creation. The seemingly aimless flow of the color once again offers him new ways to let chance take over control in his compositions. This technique requires fast and concentrated work, each of the different colors must be processed wet so that they can merge and be transferred to the picture‘s actual background. The high-gloss, shimmering surface offers a sensational color effect that delivers proof of Richter's ingenuity which lies in the constant development of new forms of expression through colors alone. [SM]

Gerhard Richter
Ohne Titel (11.05.2008), 2008.
Mixed media. Lacquer on printed paper, mounted ...
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 131,250 / $ 144,375

(incl. surcharge)