Biblia. 1584
€ 400 / $ 440 Sold:
€ 1,020 / $ 1,122 (incl. surcharge)
Darlow/M. 5106 und 4645. - Voet 646. - "A complete Bible in the original languages, with an interlinear Latin translation; the whole reprinted from the Antwerp Polyglot. The Hebrew O. T. starts at the end of the volume, and the Greek N. T. at the beginning, followed by the Greek Apocryphs; each of the two parts has its own separate title. The mention of the Apocryphs on both titles suggests that that section was intended to form an appendix to either the Hebrew O. T. or the Greek N. T., when issued separately." (D./M.) - Erste Version des Titels mit "qui vocantur Aporcryphi" (später: "quos Ecclesia orthodoxa, Hebraeorum Canonem secuta, inter Apocryphos recenset"). - "It may be assumed that Plantin, having finished (and already put on the market) a number of copies, was advised to change the text on title-page in order to give less way to the critics from certain Catholic theologians." (Voet S. 319). - Zum Einband (Porträt) vgl. Haebler II, 80, XXVI. - Tlw. leicht fleckig, das NT zu Beginn oben leicht wasserrandig, Innengelenke gelockert. Außengelenke eingerissen.
Biblia. 1584
€ 400 / $ 440 Sold:
€ 1,020 / $ 1,122 (incl. surcharge)