
Valori Plastici
Valori Plastici (Italian for "plastic values ") is the title of an Italian art magazine that was founded by Mario Broglio (1891-1948) in 1918, it turned against Modernism (Cubism, Expressionism and tendencies of abstraction), but especially against Futurism. The magazine, supported by a former futurist and an ardent worshiper of the Pittura Metafisica, Carlo Carrà (1881-1966), was published up until 1922.
The esthetic concept that Valori Plastici propagated asked for a return to a concreteness in a Neo-classic sense, the reflection of the ideal and national traditions. In the beginning, the Valori Plastici was the organ of the Pittura Metafisica, as the style complied with its demands.
Around the Valori Plastici a new and more versatile group of loosely affiliated artists soon formed, among its members were Felice Casorati, Arturo Martini, Roberto Melli, Giorgio Morandi, Filippo De Pisis, Alberto Savinio, Gino Severini und Ardengo Soffici.
A right wing within the Valori Plastici, which formed around a former supporter of Futurism, I. Tavolato, and some others, laid the basis for the fascist ideology of art and the "Novecento". However, numerous artists, among them Carlo Carrà, Giorgio Morandi and Felice Casorati, delivered proof to show that a return to concreteness was possible without an ideological fixation.
Besides the Pittura Metafisica, the clear neo-classicist figuration, which was propagated by the artists of the Valori Plastici, made for another factor that inspired New Objectivity and Surrealism.
Valori Plastici (Italian for "plastic values ") is the title of an Italian art magazine that was founded by Mario Broglio (1891-1948) in 1918, it turned against Modernism (Cubism, Expressionism and tendencies of abstraction), but especially against Futurism. The magazine, supported by a former futurist and an ardent worshiper of the Pittura Metafisica, Carlo Carrà (1881-1966), was published up until 1922.
The esthetic concept that Valori Plastici propagated asked for a return to a concreteness in a Neo-classic sense, the reflection of the ideal and national traditions. In the beginning, the Valori Plastici was the organ of the Pittura Metafisica, as the style complied with its demands.
Around the Valori Plastici a new and more versatile group of loosely affiliated artists soon formed, among its members were Felice Casorati, Arturo Martini, Roberto Melli, Giorgio Morandi, Filippo De Pisis, Alberto Savinio, Gino Severini und Ardengo Soffici.
A right wing within the Valori Plastici, which formed around a former supporter of Futurism, I. Tavolato, and some others, laid the basis for the fascist ideology of art and the "Novecento". However, numerous artists, among them Carlo Carrà, Giorgio Morandi and Felice Casorati, delivered proof to show that a return to concreteness was possible without an ideological fixation.
Besides the Pittura Metafisica, the clear neo-classicist figuration, which was propagated by the artists of the Valori Plastici, made for another factor that inspired New Objectivity and Surrealism.