Sale: 328 / Rare Books, Nov. 19./20. 2007 in Hamburg Lot 1327

Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Brockhaus. 24 Bde.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Brockhaus. 24 Bde., 1989.
€ 4,500 / $ 4,950
€ 3,960 / $ 4,356

(incl. surcharge)
Brockhaus Encyclopedia. 19., completely revised edition. 24 vols.Mannheim, F. A. Brockhaus 1989-94. Orig. cloth with colour foil embossing, encircled by black velvet flakes, designed by Fr. Hundertwasser, in orig. boards slipcase. Lex.-8vo.
1 of 1800 numb. copies, publisher's imprint of first volume signed by Hundertwasser. - The colour of each binding's cloth and foil embossing is different, which makes each copy a unique piece. "Kein Band, kein Einband der von mir entworfenen Enzyklopädie ist dem anderen gleich. Trotzdem greifen sie bei aller Verschiedenheit ineinander und fügen sich zu einem Gesamtbild. Dieses Vernetzen untereinander ist Sinnbild des Wissens, das Brockhaus vermittelt" [translation of quote: No volume, no binding of this encyclopedia is like the other. Yet they intertwine, despite their diverseness, and create a rounded overall picture. This interconnection is an allegory of knowledge, which Brockhaus imparts] (announcement).

Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Brockhaus. 24 Bde., 1989.
€ 4,500 / $ 4,950
€ 3,960 / $ 4,356

(incl. surcharge)